Packages and Special Offers

Whether you're single, a couple or a family, we have the perfect sourrounding for your perfect holidays!

Packages including free cable-car tickets

  • from May to October all packages include tickets for the cable cars in Oberstdorf and in the

. That's why it's doubly worthwile to spend your vacation with us!

Please check availability!

You can choose among different packages according to your wishes. We offer you different packages:

  • Spring Weeks
  • Alpenrose Weeks
  • Family Weeks
  • Summit Weeks
  • Hiking Weeks
  • Fancy-the-mountains Package

Our tickets are valid for the following cable cars:

  • Fellhorn

  • Nebelhorn

  • Söllereck

  • Walmendinger Horn Bahn

  • Ifen
Frühstücksbüffet ; Halbpension, Eintritt in die Breitachklamm, Söllereckbahn

Snowball Weeks Package

5,7 Nights, 05.01. - 23.01.2025, 26.01. - 26.02.2025, 08.03. - 17.03.2025
7 nights with breakfast buffet and half-board, 1 day skipass or a day ride up and down the Fellhorn, happy hour, funny sledging adventure, aperitif with your host.
 Children under 10 free.

Cheerful weeks with lots of activities in clear fresh air, dancing snowflakes and blue skies. Crosscountry skiing on freshly prepared ski-trails, skiing on well-prepared pistes, hiking in the stunning nature!
 Relax and slow down after stressful working days, but don't do without our familiar hospitality 
in a peaceful atmosphere.

Skifahren bei freien Pisten - das macht riesig Freude

Middle-Week-Ski Package

3 Nights, 05.01. - 08.02.2025, 09.03. - 15.03.2025
Short skiing trip on the sunny pistes of Oberstdorf. Three days in our mountain-lodge and a 3-days skipass.


* 3 nights in your comfortable room
* 3 breakfasts from our sumptuous buffet

* 3-days skipass for Fellhorn/ Nebelhorn/ Kanzelwand/ Soellereck/ Walmendingerhornbahn

* rock jacuzzi
- sauna

* infrared cabin

4 Nächte zum Preis von 3 im Wohlfühlzimmer inkl. Frühstücksbüffet

White Spring Special - ab 05.03.25 Buch 4 = zahl 3

4 Nights, 09.03. - 17.03.2025
1 night for free - for stays of 5 nights or more

1 night for free - for stays of 5 nights or more with participating hosts.

In addition, you will receive a 50% discount on a snowshoe trial course, cross-country skiing course (classic or skating) or a biathlon course. Note: Courses subject to availability only. Can be booked from November in our adventure shop on The discount code can only be redeemed online, is not transferable and is only valid during the promotional periods.

4 ÜN im Wohlfühlzimmer mit HP, Kaffeeklatsch und Bergbahnfahren

Gentian Weeks Package

4 Nights, 01.05. - 26.05.2025
Enjoy the awakening of the mountain nature in the spring season
  • 7 nights

  • sumptuous breakfast buffet

  • half-board

  • free cable car rides with the  cable cars already in operation in Oberstdorf and the Kleinwalsertal

  • guided hiking tour

  • Schmankerl dinner

  • coffee and cake invitation

  • welcome drink with your host
Beim Klassisch-Laufen
7 Nächte zum Preis von 6 im Wohlfühlzimmer inkl. Frühstücksbüffet

Winterglück 2025

ab 7 Nights, 04.01. - 26.01.2025, 08.03. - 30.03.2025
1 night for free - for stays of 5 nights or more

1 night for free - for stays of 5 nights or more with participating hosts.

In addition, you will receive a 50% discount on a snowshoe trial course, cross-country skiing course (classic or skating) or a biathlon course. Note: Courses subject to availability only. Can be booked from November in our adventure shop on The discount code can only be redeemed online, is not transferable and is only valid during the promotional periods.

Kinder bis 12 Jahren frei im Zimmer der Eltern

Family Easter Fun Package

5 Nights, 12.04. - 28.04.2025
Cheerful Easter vacation with diverse activities for all families. 
Children under 12 stay for free in the parents' room.
  • 5 nights

  • sumptuous breakfast buffet

  • funny sledging adventure at the Söllereck

  • 1 free cable car ride for the whole family

  • jolly afternoon in the goat shed
Urlauben inmitten der Bergwelt - Wandern nach Lust und Laune

Summit Weeks Package

7 Nights, 23.05. - 07.09.2025, 20.09. - 13.10.2025
A recreative hiking week in the mountains with hikes and tours on 3 different altitudes, free cable car tickets and half-board included.
  • 7 nights in a comfortable room

  • sumptuous breakfast buffet
- free dinner choice

  • cable car tickets for Oberstdorf and the Kleinwalsertal

  • hiking map
- bathrobes for the length of your stay

  • barbecue or Schmankerl dinner

  • aperitif with your host

Bock-auf-Berge Package

5 Nights, 24.05. - 07.09.2025, 20.09. - 07.11.2025
6 days/ 5 nights mountain vacation with hikes on different altitudes, free cable car tickets included.
  • 5 nights in a Komfort double room with southward mountain views

  • sumptuous breakfast buffet

  • free cable car tickets

  • Xenofit supply packet and drinking bottle for the hikes

  • hiking map

  • bathrobes for the length of your stay

  • Free use of all hotel facilities
Wasserspaß mit der Familie
Eine Woche Ferienglück für die ganze Familie - Kids bis 12 Jhr. frei

Family Weeks Package

7 Nights, 07.06. - 08.09.2025
Vacation for the whole family in the summer paradise Schwand, next to the mountains and the lake -  real adventure
. Children under 12 stay for free in their parents' room
  • 7 nights including sumptuous breakfast buffet

  • half-board/ dinner ( free choice )

  • free cable car tickets

  • canoeing or swimming in the Freiberg lake

  • summer sledging

  • free entry into the Oberstdorf Spa

  • aperitif with your host

  • free use of all hotel facilities
Indian Summer in Oberstdorf
Der Indian Summer von Oberstdorf ist ein Erlebnis wert

Autumn Hiking Weeks

7 Nights, 12.10. - 07.11.2025
Mountain enthusiasts love the Indian summer with the unique play of colours. Relax and recover enjoying the golden autumn colours of the mountains.
  • 7 nights
  • sumptuous breakfast buffet
  • free cable car tickets
  • welcome drink with your host
  • champagne breakfast also for late risers
  • Kässpätzle dinner
  • guided hike
  • Stammtisch for guests etc


Hotel Alpengasthof Schwand
Claudia Tauscher-Kögel
Schwand 3
87561 Oberstdorf
Tel. +49 8322 5081
Fax +49 8322 2340

Vacation in Schwand

Tastefully decorated and spacious hotel rooms with a charming atmosphere combining tradition and alpine ambiente. Most of the rooms with a balcony to the south to enjoy a spectacular mountain-view from your bed

Opening Hours

Warme Küche
11:30-15:00 und 18:00-20:00
Allgemeine Öffnungszeiten
Mo, Tu, Th - Su 

The latest

Current opening hours
Wednesday closed!

More Information for your vacation here

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